Dermal Fillers with nlclinic

Fillers are most commonly used to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and plump lost tissue around the lips and eyes. With nlclinic there are various differing options for introducing fuller facial features. Our specialist medical staff are able to tailor every client to their individual needs based on the wide range of products available. Injections are administered by our Clinic Doctor and Medical Staff who have years of experience with dermal based injectables. To discuss which options are best suited please call or email for a consultation.

For the hands

Dermal fillers are not just for the face, don't let your hands give your age away! Ellanse gives a fantastic result for hands due to its biostimulating properties and the results will last for up to 4 years depending upon the longevity of the product used.

Non-surgical Nose-job (Nasal Rhinoplasty)

Non Surgical Nasal Rhinoplasty using Dermal Fillers, Results can last from 6 months to 4 years depending on the product used. The doctors use filler to build up the nose making the shape more even and smoothing out any bumps.

Lip Filler


Our Products


Restylane® fillers are injectable gels based on a substance called hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs in the skin providing it structure and volume for a youthful appearance. Many skin care products contain hyaluronic acid which treat only the surface of the skin. Hyaluronic acid facial dermal fillers such as Restylane provide aesthetic healthcare professionals a way to assist in replenishing and restoring lost hyaluronic acid deep within the skin, to help you achieve a more youthful look. Restylane wrinkle filler and volumising treatments are specifically formulated to smooth away facial lines, folds or enhance and define facial features as part a aesthetic treatment programme


is a unique dermal filler administered by your healthcare professional for beautiful, natural looking results that can be sustained for up to 4 years, eliminating the need for frequent repeat treatments. It is the first dermal filler range with the unique feature of ‘Tunable Longevity’, so you can choose just how long you would like the results to last.

faceline before dermal filler faceline after dermal filler
lips before dermal filler lips after dermal filler
face before dermal filler face after dermal filler

Dermal Filler

  • from 1 session
  • from £150
  • from 30min
  • Doctor
  • 3 day swelling
  • up to 6 months
  • Restylane Dermal Filler
  • Ellansé Dermal Filler
  • Lip Filler Enhancement
  • Nose Reshaping Rhinoplasty
  • Eye lift & Dark circles
  • Hand Filler Enhancement
  • Fine-lines and wrinkles
  • Anti-ageing
  • derma filler derma filler derma filler derma filler derma filler derma filler derma filler derma filler